What is Carboxytherapy?
This is one of the latest treatments in aesthetic skin care. It is a form of mesotherapy that treats problem areas by injecting medical-grade CO2 into these areas. Carboxytherapy originated at the Royal Spas of France in 1932 with the treatment of patients afflicted by the peripheral arterial occlusive disease. In South America and Europe, carbon dioxide therapy has been applied to the treatment of stretch marks, cellulite, and hypertrophic scars with impressive results. Studies have demonstrated that carboxytherapy improves skin elasticity, improves circulation, encourages collagen repair, improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and destroys localized fatty deposits. Carbon dioxide is a natural constituent of our very being. We breathe in oxygen, and we exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take up the carbon dioxide, and in turn, give us the oxygen that we need. There are no known risks associated with carboxytherapy.

How does it work?
All cells in the body, regardless of their job (heart cells, brain cells, skin cells) release as their waste product carbon dioxide. So, we breathe in oxygen to our lungs, the red blood cells pick up the oxygen in our lungs and carry it to our tissues until they encounter an area that has been working hard and has an excess of carbon dioxide. When the blood cells are exposed to high concentrations of carbon dioxide, they flip their conformation, release the oxygen molecules, and pick up the carbon dioxide so that we can exhale it from our lungs. In a sense, by injecting small amounts of carbon dioxide gas just below the surface of the skin, we are tricking it into increasing the blood circulation to that area. Dark under-eye circles, cellulite, and stretch marks have all been shown to have some root causes in poor blood circulation.
Uses of Carboxytherapy;
- Management of Cellulite
- Management of stretch marks
- Management of acne scarring and other types of scars
- Management of dark under eye circles
- Management of some types of alopecia/hair loss
- Management of Skin laxity in the arms, chest etc , and wrinkle reduction
- As a complimentary treatment post liposuction to smoothen out any irregularities
- Localized fat reduction and non-surgical fat sculpting.
Carboxytherapy has also been widely used for non-aesthetic indications like arterial diseases associated with diabetes, some erection problems due to vascular disorders.
How many sessions are required?
Typically 6 to 10 sessions are required depending on what is being treated and its severity. May be less or more. For localized fat reduction and cellulite, treatments are repeated every 1 to 2 weeks while stretch marks, wrinkles and sagging skin have monthly treatments. After a consultation and thorough assessment, your specific situation will determine how many sessions we will have and how often we will have them.
What are the side effects?
CO2 used in this way is non-toxic. The only side effects associated with this procedure is mild pain at the injection site and sometime bruising , these are self-limiting and resolve very quickly, within hours. This procedure has no down time and you will be able to return to your activities after the procedure.
How long does it take?
It takes fifteen to thirty minutes to complete a session.