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Nature’sfield Biotin


Biotin 10,000mcg (Vitamin B7) is one of the water soluble B vitamins that plays a key role in promoting healthy metabolic function, health of the nerves, boosting cardiovascular and digestive functions. Biotin can be gotten from food sources such as organ meats, avocados, fish, etc. However, it might be a challenge to meet the required daily allowance because of inadequate diets.

Having dry and irritated skin, brittle and weak hair or, a lack of energy or chronic fatigue and digestive issues? These can all be signs that you may be deficient in biotin. Biotin deficiency can also occur due to excessive alcohol use, smoking, prolonged antibiotic use or poor absorption of vitamins in the body as a result of a digestive condition.

In addition to energy production, Nature’sField Biotin supports amino acid metabolism and synthesis of keratin which is the protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. Accentuate the undeniable beauty of your skin, hair and nails with Biotin made from a brand that gives a quality-guaranteed range of supplements.


  • People experiencing hair thinning and/or alopecia
  • Individuals showing signs of biotin deficiency such as skin rashes, skin infections and brittle nails.
  • People experiencing chronic fatigue, depression and neurological problems.
  • People with malabsorption issues and impaired immune function

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